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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Artist Snapshot: DCDD's Chad

Hey there,

Earlier this month, I posted about DC's Different Drummers. Well they're wrapping up March with their spring concert, My Favorite Things, tonight!!  And one of the musicians playing tonight took some time to share a little bit about himself.

Chad Koratich plays the Alto and Baritone Saxophone and has been a member of DC's Different Drummers since 2002. Without further ado, here's Chad:

JR: When did you start playing (on your own & with DCDD)?

Chad: I first started playing the saxophone and studying music in 5th grade. That was... gulp... 1981... 31 years ago. The school band director came to our music class and talked about the band and asked who was interested. I had no idea what instrument to pick but I knew that my mom loved the saxophone so I chose it. I played all through elementary, junior high, high school and college. Being a gay adolescent, even though I hadn't come out to even myself yet, was very rough. I was bullied all through school... and music was my shelter. Had it not been for band, I can't imagine what high school would have been like for me. After I graduated from college I joined the Army and didn't touch my sax again for about 8 years.

Then a miracle happened. I met Matt Swearman (our current President) who was at that time a fairly new member of DC's Different Drummers. We became fast friends and through that he found out I played sax. He told me about the band and invited me to a rehearsal. So, I dug my sax out of the closet and played around with it a bit and realized I was still pretty decent. I decided to take him up on his offer. That was, and forever will be, one of the best decisions of my life.

JR: What is one of your favorite memories with DCDD?

CHAD: I remember that first rehearsal with the symphonic band to this day. I played for a few measures and then stopped. I was in complete amazement at how great the group was and became emotional, choking back tears at the fact that I knew I had found something special... a group of adults like me, who were gay and loved to make music. DCDD became my haven, a place where I could be openly gay and do something that I loved and had missed for several years. Shortly thereafter, DCDD became my family... and Matt Swearman... well, he bacame my best friend.

JR: What inspires you to play?

Chad: What inspires me to play? That's easy, these very people. They are - in a word - AMAZING! I have MANY fantastic memories over the 10 years that I've been with the band. My favorite time every year is band camp. Yes, a bunch of adults go to band camp. It happens every September or October before our fall concert. We road trip to Elmer, NJ and take over the Appel Farm Art & Music Center for the weekend. We have concentrated rehearsal time but also plenty of time to relax, have fun and strengthen friendships. I owe so much to this amazing group and as long as I live in DC and can play my sax... I will be a member of DC's Different Drummers, one of my most favorite things!!!

So many thanks to Chad for taking some time to answer a few questions!! And, if you're looking for something to do in DC tonight, check out DCDD's My Favorite Things at the Columbia Heights Education Campus, and say hi to Chad and the rest of the folks in the Capitol Pride Symphonic Band and Capitol Pride Winds.

You can buy tickets here. And bookmark DCDD's calendar to keep up with any future events they've got going on!!

- J Street Jr

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