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Thursday, March 18, 2010

There is no J Street

Okay, so my experience with J Street actually started with my brief tenure at GWU as a Dramatic Lit major. Even though I'd been born and raised in DC, I'd never thought about the fact that there is no J Street, as far as a street. There is a nonprofit advocacy group by that name and just to be sure, there is no affiliation between this blog/myself and that.

That being said, I was actually inspired by an up & coming personality in the DC area who chose another street to identify with. Albeit it's a more infamous street, it is by far not representative or related to my own experiences as a DC native.

So why a street that doesn't exist? Well, having gone by JR since middle school, J Street JR just had a nice ring to it, especially with the alliteration.

But what better metaphor for the side of DC that might not be as well known nationally or internationally than a street that is technically nonexistent? Much like the blank rune (which itself doesn't exist traditionally), J Street as a concept literally exists nowhere and therefore can philosophically exist everywhere at the same time.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. :-)

- J Street JR

P.S. Yes, the title of this blog entry is a Matrix reference :-)

1 comment:

  1. Don't really know what this blog will look like, by the way, but never having been one to believe in chance, so far I just hope to share various aspects of my life, including the chance run-ins I have with people I've gotten to know during my life here. So stay tuned for peaks into various encounters, establishments, events, and other experiences from the J Street side of DC :-)
