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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"One night only" at Intersections this weekend

Hello again,

And yes, that was a Dreamgirls reference. So, as I was perusing the assortment of happenings over the festival, I encountered a bit of a dilemma. There were some performances that were happening once, and once only!! Not that rarity has an effect on value (as w/ rare stones) as all of the artists are presenting wonderful, quality work, in each of their disciplines, but artists with more than one performance allowed for a li'l (not much) wiggle room in terms of mapping out this and the following two weekends.

For the most part, all of those performing in the Cafe Concert series are only doing so one time. But those are free. So I just wanted to highlight special events and those ticketed performances (some I'll be seeing, others I won't due to seeing another show at the same time) happening this weekend, blazing through the Atlas long enough to make a wish on, one night (or day) only.
Stephen Lang from Avatar

Links go to FB event pages. And you can buy your tickets here.

Thursday, 2/23

Friday, 2/24

Saturday, 2/25

Sunday 2/26

Again, you can buy your tickets here. And this list,  by no means, is any commentary on my own preferences or recommendations, either the events included, and those not.

I know at times, I believe in fate more than choice. So if you're not sure what to check out, and you're that kind of person or in that kind of mood, these dates are the one and only time you can catch these performances by these artists, during the festival!!

Don't worry, if you believe in choice and free will more than fate (or are just in that kind of mood), I'll have another blog out tomorrow pretty much touching on the other artists presenting this weekend, with multiple dates/times.  The only thing is a number those artists have shows that are only this weekend as well, you just have more than one chance; so just something to keep in mind.

- J Street Jr

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