Okay, small world.
I haven't seen Rosetta Thurman since the first Social Justice Camp DC, last year, in 2010. I actually didn't even remember until she reminded me, and I felt like it'd been much more recent than that, which is only a testament to her social media presence.
If you follow her Twitter, for even a day, you'll know why. And if you don't follow it yet, and are involved in the nonprofit world, you should. In fact, even if you aren't, you should, just because I'm sure her insights could apply to your life in some way, shape or form.
So she's moderating this Foundation Center session, led by Aaron Smith of the Pew Research Center. He was sharing results from a recent study, which looked at technology trends across demographics, but highlighted trends among people of color, particularly Latino and African-American users. This was done through the lens of the Pew Internet & American Life Project.
Some of the information shared might have reinforced some individuals experiences, while some might've completely contradicted previously held beliefs about which demographics do what with technology and social media tools.
And all the research is available for free, online. These sessions are free and open to the public. And this particular one was actually full by the time I registered.
But they have wait-lists for a reason and I put my name on one the week before, just to get a call confirming my spot almost right away.
Ironically, as one of the field trips for a grad school class, Fundamentals of Fundraising, we had to do donor research at the Foundation Center because, AGAIN, you can have access to their tools and databases for free when you go there in person.
Just an amazing resource, when you think about how much of the work people do now is simply about making those connections, and finding people who believe in you enough to support you with time and money.
And social media is becoming ever more crucial to cultivating those relationships.
Just another reason I've made it a resolution, not necessarily a New Year's one, but a general one, to really use this blog to connect anyone who cares to read, with the city and people I care about as well as taking advantage of opportunities like this information session, to continue moving forward with every pursuit in life.
- J Street Jr
Other Twitter accounts:
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