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Friday, March 4, 2011

Capital Fringe Festival Application Due

Not much to report here...except that I turned in my Capital Fringe Festival application for Pinoy: A' merican Tale!!

This will be the second piece created and presented through my performing arts company, AWoL Productions.

Last summer, the show was The Rave Scenes and was a bit of a personal homage to my own experience and  eventual path to performing as a profession, through this urban dance scene.  Definitely looking to produce it again, but more on that when I have more details.  In the mean time, feel free to check out this "review" at DC Theatre Scene. It's actually fair, for the most part, until you get to the point where the critic starts to become prescriptive about what they would've rather scene, than simply describing it.

In my humble opinion, with a cast made of both ravers and non-ravers, my goals were to a) provide a place of reflection for the party kids, b) provide an opportunity for insight for the non-party kids, and c) get party kids that might or might not regularly see live performances come out and see a show that was relative to them.

On all three counts, I believe I was successul.

Anyway, more details will be provided about this summer's show through my blog for AWoL Productions.

- J Street Jr

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